Challenge for the near future: Instruments for a climate friendly use of road infrastructure

Onderzoeksoutput: ChapterResearchpeer review


While transport is inevitable in our economy and daily lives, it also engenders many negative effects - on the economy, society, and environment. Though a large share of the external costs associated with climate change is attributable to transport, this is only partly carried by it. The transport sector still lags behind with regard to emitted greenhouse gases and faces difficulties in achieving the emission reduction goals. In line with the ‘polluter pays’ principle, an instrument for internalizing the external costs of transport is a road pricing scheme. Not only would it stimulate the use of more environmentally friendly vehicles, this concept could also prove its use in pursuing a level playing field across different transport modes. Implementation of a pricing system should be well thought of, as perverse effects can easily arise. Road pricing will also incentivize the switch to zero-emission vehicles. A pricing scheme should be implemented coherently on a European level to avoid additional kilometres due to detour and related externalities.
Originele taal-2English
TitelRoad pricing in the Benelux: Towards an efficient and sustainable use of road infrastructure (second edition)
SubtitelTheory, application and policy
RedacteurenLeen van den Berg, Jacob Polak
Plaats van productieBrussels
Aantal pagina's26
ISBN van elektronische versie978946407208
StatusPublished - 1 mei 2020
EvenementRoad pricing in the Benelux - BIVEC-GIBET Jubilee conference & book launch - Regentschapsstraat 39, Brussels, Belgium
Duur: 8 mei 20198 mei 2019


ConferenceRoad pricing in the Benelux - BIVEC-GIBET Jubilee conference & book launch
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