Characterisation of antithrombin p.Thr147Ala, the first common founder variant from African origin responsible for inherited antithrombin deficiency

Belén de la Morena-Barrio, Jose Padilla, Inge Pareyn, C Bravo-Perez, Karen Vanhoorelbeke, Irene Martinez-Martinez, Vicente Vicente, Javier Corral, Kristin Jochmans, Maria-Eugenia de la Morena-Barrio, Christelle Orlando

Onderzoeksoutput: Meeting abstract (Journal)

Originele taal-2English
Pagina's (van-tot)1121-1122
Aantal pagina's2
TijdschriftResearch and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis
Nummer van het tijdschriftSuppl 1
StatusPublished - 2020
EvenementXXVIII Congres of the ISTH - Virtual
Duur: 12 jul 202014 jul 2020

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