Computational Creativity and Live Algorithms

Geraint A. Wiggins, Jamie C. Forth

Onderzoeksoutput: Chapterpeer review

3 Citaten (Scopus)


This chapter examines the field of algorithmic composition from the perspective of computational creativity. It begins by introducing the idea of computational creativity as a philosophical perspective. Next, it introduces a method for consideration of the properties of creative systems, the Creative Systems Framework (CSF). The CSF becomes the starting point for a discussion of a system of comparison specific to algorithmic composition as an artistic and technical practice. Finally, the chapter sketches a road map for future developments in algorithmic composition and live coding, in these terms.

Originele taal-2English
TitelThe Oxford Handbook of Algorithmic Music
RedacteurenRoger T. Dean, Alex McLean
UitgeverijOxford University Press
Aantal pagina's26
ISBN van elektronische versie9780190226992
ISBN van geprinte versie9780190226992, 978-0190226992
StatusPublished - 1 jan 2018


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