Constraint control for non-prehensile robotic transportation

Onderzoeksoutput: Meeting abstract (Book)

286 Downloads (Pure)


Non-prehensile robotic manipulation addresses challenges
in handling objects of diverse sizes and shapes using frictional,
gravity, and inertial forces, thereby enhancing dexterity
for dynamic tasks. Our focus is on transporting a tray
with a rigid object, preventing falls or loss of contact by exploring
the friction cone.
Originele taal-2English
TitelBook of Abstracts- 43rd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control
RedacteurenLaurens Jacobs, Alejandro Astudillo, John Lataire, Rodolphe Sepulchre, Jan Swevers, Ann Pintelon, Dries Peumans, Wilm Decré
Uitgeverij43nd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control
Aantal pagina's1
UitgaveMarch 26– 28 2024
ISBN van elektronische versie978-90-828-9316-8
StatusPublished - 26 mrt 2024
Evenement43RD Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control - Floreal Blankenberge, Blankenberge, Belgium
Duur: 26 mrt 202428 mrt 2024


Conference43RD Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control


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