Consultancy support to GCC ICT Authorities to assist in creating common guidelines and strategies to enhance the development of eGovernment within the eGULF Initiative: final report

J. Millard, Jamal Shahin

Onderzoeksoutput: Commissioned reportResearch


This consultancy support analyses global experience in eGovernment cooperation between responsible authorities, examines the needs and existing strategies of each of the six GCC Countries, identifies common elements and areas where mutual cooperation will be beneficial, and proposes common guidelines and strategies to enhance the development of eGovernment across the GCC area. The purpose is to enhance the overall performance and reputation of the Gulf Region as a whole regarding world class eGovernment services and how these underpin the wider socio-economic development of the region.
The next step is to use this report to help define the GCC eGovernment agenda, or to support a detailed dialogue to the same end. This could include a workshop at the next GCC meeting. Whatever the next step is in practice, however, it must relatively rapidly result in a GCC eGovernment Declaration, preferably no later than early 2011, which itself provides the basis for an action plan and roadmap.
Originele taal-2English
UitgeverijDanish Technological Institute
Aantal pagina's117
StatusPublished - 2010


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