Contextual policing and the assessment of pathways to terrorism in Belgium

Onderzoeksoutput: Unpublished paper


Counterterrorism policing in Belgium remains predominantly focused on uncovering imminent terrorist activities or investigating and responding to terrorism once it has occurred. Recently however this focus is beginning to shift more prominently toward proactive assessments of pathways to terrorism (radicalization) a process in which the police has to identify indications of potential future acts of
terrorism. Based on the findings of an ongoing ethnography in two local police forces in Belgium we argue that the growing importance of preventing terrorism prompt the police to engage and participate in highly contextual and tailormade evaluations of behaviour, a process of negotiating and assembling dangerous identities. This shift towards more contextual policing poses a number of challenges for the future of counterterrorism policing in Belgium.
Originele taal-2English
StatusPublished - 19 sep 2019
EvenementEuropean Society of Criminology Conference 2019 - University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium
Duur: 18 sep 201921 sep 2019


ConferenceEuropean Society of Criminology Conference 2019


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