Dark patterns or informed consent, PI disclosure decision, and trade-off? A study exploring the value of sharing personal information (PI) with media companies in Flanders, Belgium

Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paper

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Imagine that a media organisation asks you to share personal information (PI) in exchange for a personalised media experience. What ‘value’ will you receive in return for disclosing your data? Do the benefits offered by these personalised media products and services outweigh the privacy risks you take by sharing personal data?
Originele taal-2English
TitelNEM Summit 2020 final papers
UitgeverijNEM (New European Media Initiative)
Aantal pagina's8
StatusPublished - 2 jul 2020
EvenementNEM Summit 2020 - Online (virtual event)
Duur: 30 jun 20202 jul 2020


ConferenceNEM Summit 2020
Internet adres


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