De juiste persoon op de juiste plaats? Een voortdurende zoektocht naar de optimale organisatie van selectie van politieambtenaren in België

Anse Stevens, Antoinette Verhage, Sofie De Kimpe

Onderzoeksoutput: Articlepeer review

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In this paper, we reflect on the selection procedure of police officers in Belgium, which has changed significantly since the police reform. Since then, the selection has been organized centrally by the Federal Police, and all candidates are screened according to a competence profile during the selection tests. This aimed to address several problems, such as a different procedure per police force (Municipal Police, Gendarmerie and Judicial Police at the time), a strong focus on physical characteristics, and inequality due to the supra-local, provincial organization. Recent changes, however, show a trend towards a more decentralized approach. The aim of this paper is to map the evolution and the current organization of the procedure through important developments. The contribution is based on a thorough literature
study, a policy analysis, and interviews with three experts.
Originele taal-2Dutch
Pagina's (van-tot)170-190
Nummer van het tijdschrift2
StatusPublished - 2022

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