Developing Low-Power Image Processing Applications with the TULIPP Reference Platform Instance

Tobias Kalb, Lester Kalms, Diana Göhringer, Carlota Pons, Ananya Muddukrishna, Magnus Jahre, Boitumelo Ruf, Tobias Schuchert, Igor Tchouchenkov, Carl Ehrenstråhle, Magnus Peterson, Flemming Christensen, Antonio Paolillo, Ben Rodriguez, Philippe Millet

Onderzoeksoutput: Chapterpeer review

4 Citaten (Scopus)


Today, many industrial domains rely on vision-based embedded systems. High computing performance of the embedded platform is a mandatory feature for modern image processing applications. Yet, these embedded systems have to comply with strict requirements regarding size, weight and energy efficiency. Energy efficiency Tulipp will develop a reference platform, which defines implementation rules and interfaces to tackle power consumption issues while delivering high, energy-efficient and guaranteed computing performance. This allows developers to find the optimal solution for their image processing application, to comply with the requirements of their embedded system and to reduce the time spent on the development and iteration process. The Tulipp reference platform consists of a hardware system, supportive development utilities and a real-time operating system (RTOS) Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) . Chained platforms provide scalability and higher processing power. The project develops and provides: a reference hardware architecture---a scalable low-power board; a low-power operating system and image processing libraries; a productivity-enhancing toolchain. In addition, Tulipp will publish a reference platform handbook, which will help developers building and using their custom instance of the reference platform. The project is use case driven, providing real-time low-power demonstrators of a medical image processing application, automotive embedded systems for driver assistance (ADAS) Automotive embedded systems for Driver Assistance (ADAS) and applications for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The close connection to its set-up ecosystem and standardization organizations will allow the Tulipp project to propose new standards derived from its reference platform and handbook to the industry.
Originele taal-2Undefined/Unknown
TitelHardware Accelerators in Data Centers
Plaats van productieCham
UitgeverijSpringer International Publishing
Aantal pagina's17
ISBN van geprinte versie978-3-319-92792-3
StatusPublished - 2019

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