Digitalisering van het gevangenisleven: Een etnografisch onderzoek naar de impact van het digitale platform PrisonCloud

Onderzoeksoutput: Articlepeer review

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This study examines the digitization of prisons, through ethnographic research conducted by Robberechts (2021) on the impact of the digital platform PrisonCloud on life in one Belgian prison. PrisonCloud has ushered in a two-way communication mechanism, allowing imprisoned persons to digitally interact from their cell with internal services and external individuals. Building on Crewe’s (2011) theoretical constructs of depth, weight, and tightness and drawing on observations and interviews, Robberechts’ (2021) ethnographic research captures the shift in relational dynamics between imprisoned persons and staff. This article probes the paradoxical outcomes of the digitization of prisons, describing how imprisoned persons, while connected more than ever to the outside world, might experience amplified isolation from their immediate social environment. It also points out how digital platforms may challenge prison staff’s traditional authority, by reshaping prisoner’s autonomy. This article contributes to a nuanced understanding of how digital tools can deepen and superficialize the incarceration experience.
Vertaalde titel van de bijdrageDigitalization of Prison Life:: An Ethnographic Study on the Impact of the Digital Platform PrisonCloud
Originele taal-2Dutch
Pagina's (van-tot)443-463
Aantal pagina's21
Nummer van het tijdschrift5
StatusPublished - 27 sep 2024

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