DOGMA-MESS Training Session I

Yan Tang, Dang Bui Bach

Onderzoeksoutput: Other report


The goal is to train domain experts to build their interorganizational ontologies. In this training session, we need to apply DOGMA-MESS ontology, mainly focusing on the collection phase. A requirement of this session is to gather as many competence (competency) concepts as possible. We try to gather concepts focusing on the basic competence management framework. All the concepts (or in a worse case, the competence linguistic terms) are defined according to the definitions of key role in HR competence management. The method we use is a refined specific step of DOGMA-MESS: the interorganizational ontology gathering phase.
Originele taal-2English
StatusPublished - 24 jun 2007

Publicatie series

NaamProlix internal report


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