
Dynamic CT presents the potential to study joints while they undergo motion [1]. Kinematic parameters can also be extracted automatically/semi-automatically from these images using image processing techniques like registration. However, few studies have evaluated the accuracy of the motion parameters extracted via image registration. In this study, a custom-made circular polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) phantom was designed to undergo controlled rotations. We implemented a two-step image registration approach to recover the induced rotations. Our registration approach was capable of recovering the true rotations with a mean absolute error of 0.52º [95% CI:0.36º-0.68º].
Originele taal-2English
StatusPublished - 2019
EvenementInternational Society of Biomechanics - Calgary, Canada
Duur: 31 jul 20194 aug 2019


ConferenceInternational Society of Biomechanics
Verkorte titelISB


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