E-ELT METIS and MATISSE: Prospects for AGB Stars

J. Hron, J. Blommaert, L. Decin, T. Lebzelter, C. Paladini, H. van Winckel, Metis [Unknown], Matisse Teams

Onderzoeksoutput: Meeting abstract (Book)


We summarize the characteristics and status of the E-ELT METIS (alias MIR) instrument and the VLTI second-generation instrument MATISSE. We present selected science cases in the field of AGB stars. Emphasis is given to the structure of molecular and dusty envelopes, dust mineralogy, isotopic abundances, gas enrichment of galaxies, and circumstellar disks.
Originele taal-2English
TitelWhy Galaxies Care about AGB Stars III
SubtitelA Closer Look in Space and Time
RedacteurenF. Kerschbaum, R.~F. Wing, J. Hron
Aantal pagina's1
StatusPublished - 1 aug 2015
EvenementWhy Galaxies Care About AGB Stars III - University Campus, Vienna, Switzerland
Duur: 28 jul 20141 aug 2014

Publicatie series

NaamAstronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series


ConferenceWhy Galaxies Care About AGB Stars III


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