Een blik op het traject van personen met een migratieachtergrond en interneringstatuut: Het recht op zorg en vrijheid onder druk?

Marjolein De Pau, Ellen Vandennieuwenhuysen, Lars Breuls, Christelle Macq

Onderzoeksoutput: Articlepeer review

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The increasing superdiversity of the Belgian society is mirrored in its forensic psychiatric population. A quantitative analysis of the national GEJO-database illustrates that 22,3% of all persons with a legal security measure has migrated in their life. These people reside more often in high-secured settings (i.e. prison facilities or forensic psychiatric facilities for compulsory care). A qualitative inquiry of judicial and healthcare experts indicates that the primary obstacles for these people to proceed to lower secured care are: (1) elements on the level of the person with a legal security measure, (2) elements related to the workforce and care offer, and (3) elements related to forensic care organization. In this article, action points for the development of an equitable care trajectory with a perspective on freedom and re-integration in society are explored for this diverse group of persons with a legal security measure.
Originele taal-2Dutch
Pagina's (van-tot)437-455
Aantal pagina's19
Nummer van het tijdschrift6
StatusPublished - dec 2023

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