Effect of bile acids on lipopolysaccharide uptake by cultured rat Kupffer cells.

Eduard Wisse, Hans Van Bossuyt, Christel Desmaretz, Dick Knook (Redacteur), K. Decker (Redacteur), G.b. Gaeta

Onderzoeksoutput: Chapterpeer review

Originele taal-2English
TitelCells of the Hepatic Sinusoid. The Kupffer Cell Foundation, vol. 2, pg. 297-302 (1989)
UitgeverijCells of the Hepatic Sinusoid. The Kupffer Cell Foundation, vol. 2, pg. 297-302 (1989)
StatusPublished - 1989

Bibliografische nota

Cells of the Hepatic Sinusoid.
The Kupffer Cell Foundation, vol. 2, pg. 297-302 (1989)

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