Engineering Lightweight Transformable Structures

Niels De Temmerman, Kelvin Roovers, Lara Alegria Mira, Aline Vergauwen, Aushim Koumar, Stijn Brancart, Lars De Laet, Marijke Mollaert

Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paper


As opposed to conventional, static structures, transformable structures possess a transformational capacity enabling them to efficiently respond to altered boundary conditions, such as climatic conditions, different locations, varying functional requirements, or emergency situations. Generally, this capacity is provided through built-in mobility (structural mechanisms) or by means of assembly/disassembly of its constitutive members (kit-of-parts systems). The former group demonstrates kinematic properties that allow them to rapidly respond to changing needs by folding, unfolding, collapsing, expanding, inflating or by any other form of deployment. Generally they come in the form of lightweight deployable structures that can easily transform between different configurations or demonstrate a substantial volume expansion. This makes them fit for temporary, mobile applications or for adding adaptable sub-structures to buildings. In what follows, the research performed at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel by the Transform Research Group and the Lightweight Structures Lab, both collaborating on lightweight deployable structures, is presented. Through five case studies, diverse possibilities of deployable structures in architectural and structural engineering are explored. Key aspects concerning the design, analysis and construction of mobile, as well as adaptable constructions, are explained. Finally, conclusions are drawn on the intricate relationship between the geometric configuration, the kinematic behaviour and the structural response of lightweight deployable structures.
Originele taal-2English
TitelProceedings of International Conference on Adaptation and Movement in Architecture (ICAMA2013)
Plaats van productieToronto, CANADA
UitgeverijRyerson University
Aantal pagina's14
ISBN van geprinte versie978-1-62776-417-9
StatusPublished - okt 2013
EvenementUnknown - Toronto, Canada
Duur: 1 okt 2013 → …


Periode1/10/13 → …


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