Entrepreneurship: Introduction to Business Plans

Alea Fairchild

Onderzoeksoutput: BookSpecialist


This book is designed as a guide to assist entrepreneurs in structuring their business planning activities. A business plan is a dynamic document, used for many purposes and for several kinds of readers. The content and structure of a business plan says a great deal to a potential investor about the care and attention paid to the planning process, and therefore to the success of the business. Understanding of an industry, related industries and other socio-economic factors helps an entrepreneur position his business idea at the right time in the right place. A great entrepreneur has to be able to take the pulse of the market, and understand its future development.

The key to a successful business is finding the right business model for the resources and current situation of the business. A unique model is difficult to reproduce by a competitor, and can provide the founders with a specific competitive advantage. So how does an entrepreneur find this special business model? By doing his homework to create the right solution, of course along with a little bit of luck.

This book will provide direction to the significant homework that has to be done to create that unique business model that will lead to success.
Originele taal-2English
UitgeverijDie Keure
Aantal pagina's128
ISBN van geprinte versie978-90-8661-824-8
StatusPublished - 2008


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