Ethical implications of longitudinal data collection on both the individual and societal level

Lies Lammens, Patrick Deboosere, Florence Cols, William D'hoore, Ann Ingenbleek, Yves Coppieters, Alain Leveque

    Onderzoeksoutput: Meeting abstract (Book)


    Technological innovation confronts researchers in industrialized societies with a fundamental ethical dilemma: the 'knowledge' versus 'privacy' dilemma. Longitudinal data offer particular interesting advantages for research, but they contain elements which could be threatening (or perceived as being threatening) to individuals' privacy. In an earlier paper we developed a conceptual framework on ethical implications of (health) data collecting projects. We reflected on the content of policy goals developed within the context of an ever more detailed data collection, and pointed to the potentially abusive use of collected data in the short (threatening people's privacy) and in the long run (threatening democracy). Here we confront this framework with the two differently organized statistical systems of the UK and Denmark.
    Originele taal-2English
    TitelPaper presented at the 25th International Methodology Symposium
    SubtitelLongitudinal Surveys: from Design to Analysis
    StatusPublished - 27 okt 2009
    Evenement25th International Methodology Symposium - Gatineau, Canada
    Duur: 27 okt 200930 okt 2009


    Conference25th International Methodology Symposium


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