Evaluation of design parameters for deployable planar scissor arches

Lara Alegria Mira, Rajan Filomeno Coelho, Niels De Temmerman, Ashley Thrall

Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paper

3 Citaten (Scopus)


Deployable scissor structures can transform from a compact bundle of elements to a fully expanded configuration. Due to this transformational capacity there is a mutual relation between the geometry, the kinematics and the structural response of the scissor system, resulting in a relatively complex design process. In order to understand how geometrical parameters influence the structural performance, it is beneficial to evaluate these structures at a pre-design stage. To reach this goal, we developed an integrated framework for pre-design evaluation using the parametric finite element tool Karamba in combination with Matlab. By doing so an automatic and immediate preliminary structural evaluation can be established that guides the designer in making efficient geometrical design decisions. This paper evaluates design parameters for deployable scissor arches using this framework. More specifically, the influence of the most important geometrical inputs - scissor type, number of scissor units, structural thickness and height of the arch - on structural performance (i.e. stress, deflection and mass) is determined. Results indicate the sensitivity of the considered parameters and their importance in the design of scissor arches. With this knowledge in an early design stage, the subsequent design optimisation, detailed analysis and realisation are enhanced.
Originele taal-2English
TitelMobile and Rapidly Assembled Structures IV
RedacteurenN. De Temmerman, C. A. Brebbia
UitgeverijWIT Press
Aantal pagina's12
ISBN van elektronische versie978-1-84564-773-5
ISBN van geprinte versie978-1-84564-772-8
StatusPublished - 2014
Evenement4th International Conference on Mobile, Adaptable and Rapidly Assembled Structures - Ostend, Belgium
Duur: 11 jun 201413 jun 2014

Publicatie series

NaamWIT Transactions on The Built Environment
UitgeverijWIT Press
ISSN van geprinte versie1743-3509


Conference4th International Conference on Mobile, Adaptable and Rapidly Assembled Structures
AnderThe fourth International Conference on Mobile, Adaptable and Rapidly Assembled Structures (MARAS 2014) took place in Ostend, following previous meetings held in Southampton, Seville and Madrid. The Conference was organised by the Free University of Brussels, represented by Prof Niels De Temmerman, and the Wessex Institute, represented by Prof Carlos A Brebbia. The meeting was sponsored by the International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics. Transferable objects and structures can change their shape in order to adapt to a different function, various morphological or structural requirements, or simply another location. They do this by means of a kinematic mechanism or by allowing disassembly or reconfiguration of their constituent components, allowing them to evolve over time.
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Bibliografische nota

N. De Temmerman & C.A. Brebbia


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