Experimental investigation of reaction rates during electrodeposition in Li-Sulfur battery

Shovon Goutam, Izaro Izaro Laresgoiti, Elixabete Ayerbe, Noshin Omar, Peter Van Den Bossche, Joeri Van Mierlo

Onderzoeksoutput: Unpublished paper

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Li-Sulfur battery has garnered attention due to its high energy density. However, owing to complex chemistry the working
mechanism is still ambiguous and often contradictory among peers. Here we present an experimental investigation of Li-S battery cells
where the behavior of current transient during potentiostatic discharge were studied. It was found that the formation of Li2S is more likely
through electrodeposition rather than chemical deposition. The nucleation and growth rate were measured by assuming a 2D progressive
nucleation and growth. The analysis was performed on cells with different electrolyte amount. It was observed that that at rapid discharge
the rate the growth is limited by mass transfer.
Originele taal-2English
StatusPublished - 1 okt 2018
EvenementEVS 31 & EVTeC 2018, Kobe, Japan, October 1 - 3, 2018 - kobe , Japan
Duur: 1 okt 20183 okt 2018


ConferenceEVS 31 & EVTeC 2018, Kobe, Japan, October 1 - 3, 2018


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