Explainable-by-design Semi-Supervised Representation Learning for COVID-19 Diagnosis from CT Imaging

Abel Díaz Berenguer, Hichem Sahli, Boris Joukovsky, Maryna Kvasnytsia, Ine Dirks, Mitchel Alioscha-Perez, Nikos Deligiannis, Panagiotis Gonidakis, Sebastián Amador Sánchez, Redona Brahimetaj, Evgenia Papavasileiou, Jonathan Cheung-Wai Chana, Fei Li, Shangzhen Song, Yixin Yang, Sofie Tilborghs, Siri Willems, Tom Eelbode, Jeroen Bertels, Dirk VandermeulenFrederik Maes, Paul Suetens, Lucas Fidon, Tom Vercauteren, David Robben, Arne Brys, Dirk Smeets, Bart Ilsen, Nico Buls, Nina Watté, Johan de Mey, Annemiek Snoeckx, Paul M. Parizel, Julien Guiot, Louis Deprez, Paul Meunier, Stefaan Gryspeerdt, Kristof De Smet, Bart Jansen, Jef Vandemeulebroucke

Onderzoeksoutput: Article

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Our motivating application is a real-world problem: COVID-19 classification from CT imaging, for which we present an explainable Deep Learning approach based on a semi-supervised classification pipeline that employs variational autoencoders to extract efficient feature embedding. We have optimized the architecture of two different networks for CT images: (i) a novel conditional variational autoencoder (CVAE) with a specific architecture that integrates the class labels inside the encoder layers and uses side information with shared attention layers for the encoder, which make the most of the contextual clues for representation learning, and (ii) a downstream convolutional neural network for supervised classification using the encoder structure of the CVAE. With the explainable classification results, the proposed diagnosis system is very effective for COVID-19 classification. Based on the promising results obtained qualitatively and quantitatively, we envisage a wide deployment of our developed technique in large-scale clinical studies.Code is available at https://git.etrovub.be/AVSP/ct-based-covid-19-diagnostic-tool.git.
Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's20
StatusPublished - 2 dec 2020


  • eess.IV
  • cs.CV


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