Exploring the Importance of Social and Ecological Criteria in Cost-Benefit Analysis of Transport Projects in Belgium and the Netherlands

Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paperResearch


Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) is a widely used method for the ex-ante evaluation of transport projects, but has also received wide criticism for its limited appreciation of social and ecological effects. In this research we explore the relative contribution of different effect groups on recent CBA reports in the Netherlands and Flanders. Outcomes show that in CBA practice social- and ecological- criteria still amounts to only a small fraction of monetized effects, 16% and 3% respectively, and therefore have limited impact on CBA outcome
Originele taal-2English
TitelProceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Days 2023
RedacteurenChris Tampere, Mario Cools, Stef Proost
Plaats van productieLeuven
UitgeverijKU Leuven
Aantal pagina's8
ISBN van geprinte versie978-90-82383-31-7
StatusPublished - 1 jun 2023
EvenementBIVEC-GIBET Research Days - KUL, Leuven, Belgium
Duur: 1 jun 20232 jun 2023


ConferenceBIVEC-GIBET Research Days


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