Facilities, Chapter 4 of the Educational Self-Evaluation Report of the Master in Electromechanical Engineering, 2012

Onderzoeksoutput: Chapter


Education-related Research Infrastructure

The limited financial resources for education are complemented by internal and external resources for scientific research to cover the cost of setting up and maintaining advanced laboratories, used both for education and research. Academic Assistant Staff, Doctoral Academic Assistant Staff, Research Staff, Post-doctoral researchers and Assistant professors take part in the education (theoretical and practical exercises), whereas advanced research equipment is used for educational purposes, bringing added value to the teaching.
Originele taal-2English
UitgeverijVLIR, the Flemish Interuniversity Board
Aantal pagina's15
StatusPublished - 1 mrt 2012


  • Zelf-Evaluatie Onderwijs Rapport Master WE


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