Flirting with museum educational tools: combining the visitor and museum educator perspective

Onderzoeksoutput: Meeting abstract (Book)


Constructivist learning approaches are nowadays prevalent in museum learning research. Museum learning becomes an active process in which visitors construct their personal meanings. Contemporary arts are considered an excellent way for visitors to practise the complex process of meaning making. However, undesignated routes or unequivocal interpretations, which are common in contemporary arts, often lead to confusion. Whereas museums stress the importance to strengthen adults' involvement and clarify the information value of an artwork in their mission statement, the heterogeneity of a museum public often hampers these objectives. As a result, the museum staff as a whole should focus on a balance between the needs of the art(ist) and those of the visitor in considering quality in museum education.
The present paper will investigate the use and the determinants of existing educational tools within contemporary arts from the visitor's perspective through in-depth interviews. In addition, this paper will also reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of educational practices of museum educators related to the visitor's perspective.
Originele taal-2English
Titel ICOM CECA Annual Conference 2011. Old questions, new answers: quality criteria for museum education, Zagreb
StatusPublished - 18 sep 2011
EvenementICOM/CECA conference: Old questions, new answers: quality criteria for museum education - Zagreb, Croatia
Duur: 16 sep 201121 sep 2011


ConferenceICOM/CECA conference: Old questions, new answers: quality criteria for museum education

Bibliografische nota

ICOM CECA Annual Conference 2011


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