Frequency conversion by the transformation-optical analogue of the cosmological redshift

Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paper


Recently, there has been a lot of interest in electromagnetic analogues of general relativistic effects. Using the techniques of transformation optics, the material parameters of table-top devices have been calculated such that they implement several effects that occur in outer space, e.g., the implementation of an artificial event horizon inside an optical fiber, an inhomogeneous refractive index profile to mimic celestial mechanics, or an omnidirectional absorber based on an equivalence with black holes. In this communication, we show how we have extended the framework of transformation optics to a time-dependent metric - the Robertson-Walker metric, a popular model for our universe describing the cosmological redshift. This redshift occurs due to the expansion of the universe, where a photon of frequency omega_em emitted at instance t_em, will be measured at a different frequency omega_obs at time t_obs. The relation between these two frequencies is given by omega_obs a(t_obs) = omega_em a(t_em), where a(t) is the time-dependent scale factor of the expanding universe. Our results show that the transformation-optical analogue of the Robertson-Walker metric is a medium with linear, isotropic, and homogeneous material parameters that evolve as a given function of time. The electromagnetic solutions inside such a medium are frequency shifted according to the cosmological redshift formula. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that a finite slab of such a material allows for the frequency conversion of an optical signal without the creation of unwanted sidebands. Because the medium is linear, the superposition principle remains applicable and arbitrary wavepackets can be converted.
Originele taal-2English
TitelMetamaterials: Fundamentals and Applications IV
RedacteurenAllan D. Boardman, Nader Engheta, Mikhail A. Noginov, Nikolay I. Zheludev
Aantal pagina's7
ISBN van geprinte versie9780819487032
StatusPublished - 21 aug 2011
EvenementMetamaterials: Fundamentals and Applications IV - San Diego, United States
Duur: 21 aug 201121 aug 2011

Publicatie series

NaamProceedings of SPIE
ISSN van geprinte versie0277-786X


ConferenceMetamaterials: Fundamentals and Applications IV
Land/RegioUnited States
StadSan Diego


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