From User Needs to Opportunities in Personal Information Management: A Case Study on Organisational Strategies in Cross-Media Information Spaces

Sandra Trullemans, Beat Signer

Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paper

12 Citaten (Scopus)
218 Downloads (Pure)


The efficient management of our daily information in physical and digital information spaces is a well-known problem. Current research on personal information management (PIM) aims to understand and improve organisational and re-finding activities. We present a case study about organisational strategies in cross-media information spaces, consisting of physical as well as digital information. In contrast to existing work, we provide a unified view on organisational strategies and investigate how re-finding cues differ across the physical and digital space. We further introduce a new mixing organisational strategy which is used in addition to the well-known filing and piling strategies. Last but not least, based on the results of our study we discuss opportunities and pitfalls for future descriptive PIM research and outline some directions for future PIM system design.
Originele taal-2English
TitelProceedings of the International Conference on Digital Libraries (DL 2014), London, UK, September, 2014
ISBN van geprinte versie978-1-4799-5569-5
StatusPublished - sep 2014
EvenementInternational Conference on Digital Libraries, DL 2014 - London, United Kingdom
Duur: 8 sep 201412 sep 2014


ConferenceInternational Conference on Digital Libraries, DL 2014
Land/RegioUnited Kingdom


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