Generalized prediction equations for regional lean mass in physically active adults

Onderzoeksoutput: Meeting abstract (Book)Research


Introduction The ability to accurately estimate regional lean tissue masses in vivo is very important for applied and clinical applications such as muscle distribution and energy metabolism (Gallagher and Heymsfield, 1998; Müller et al., 2001). In literature, there is a limited number of anthropometry-based prediction equations for the estimation of regional lean tissue masses in adults (Arthurs and Andrews,
2009; Ritchie and Davidson, 2007; Holmes et al., 2005). Since it remains unknown whether anthropometry can be used to accurately estimate lean tissue mass in all body regions, the aim of the present study was to develop and cross-validate anthropometrical prediction equations for regional lean tissue mass.
Methods One hundred and seventeen physically active Caucasians (67 men and 50 women;mean age: 31.9±10.0y; BMI: 24.3±3.2kg/m²; sporting activities: 5.4±4.6hours/week) participated in the present study. Body mass(BM), stretch stature (SS), 14 circumferences (CC), 13 skinfolds (SF) and 4 bone breadths (BB) were used as anthropometric measurements.
Regional lean tissue mass of both arms, trunk and both legs were measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) as the criterion method.
Results Three generalized prediction equations for regional lean mass were developed as follows: arms = 40.394(BM) + 169.836(CC arm-tensed) + 399.162(CC wrist) - 85.414(SF triceps) - 39.790(SF biceps) - 7289.190, where Adj.R²=0.97, pstatistics showed no significant differences (p
Originele taal-2English
TitelBook of abstracts of the 17th Annual congress of the European College of Sport Science
RedacteurenR. Meeusen, J. Duchateau, B. Roelands, M. Klass, B. De Geus, S. Baudry, E. Tsolakidis
Aantal pagina's2
StatusPublished - 2012
EvenementUnknown -
Duur: 1 jan 2012 → …


Periode1/01/12 → …

Bibliografische nota

R. Meeusen , J. Duchateau , B. Roelands , M. Klass , B. De Geus , S. Baudry , E. Tsolakidis


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