Geolinguistic data and the past tense debate. Linguistic and extralinguistic aspects of Dutch verb regularization

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Geolinguistic data and the past tense debate
Linguistic and extralinguistic aspects of Dutch verb regularization
Rik Vosters, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

The present contribution deals with synchronic variation in Dutch past tense regularization, focusing on cognitive and geolinguistic aspects of the phenomenon. Experimental data are presented from a production task and a series of acceptability judgments, carried out among a group of 240 native speaker respondents. An empirical overview shows the relative frequency of regularization, and patterns of regional divergence are highlighted and discussed. Theoretical implications are addressed within the framework of the past tense debate. Both the observed role of token frequency and the discrepancy between usage and acceptability data from a geolinguistic perspective are taken as evidence against traditional dual-route accounts. Further analyses of geographical variation in the findings consider the possibility of analogical support from homophonous regional forms.
Originele taal-2English
TitelThe dialect laboratory
SubtitelDialects as a testing ground for theories of language change
RedacteurenG. De Vogelaer, G. Seiler
Plaats van productieAmsterdam / Philadelphia
UitgeverijJohn Benjamins Publishing Company
Aantal pagina's22
ISBN van geprinte versie978-90-272-0595-7
StatusPublished - 2012

Publicatie series

NaamStudies in Language Companion Series

Bibliografische nota

G. De Vogelaer, G. Seiler


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