Getting citizens on board: new ways to involve citizens in transport planning: The LOOPER platform

Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paper


This paper presents the LOOPER participatory co-creation methodology and online platform bringing together citizens, stakeholders and policy-makers to iteratively learn how to address urban challenges (road safety, traffic calming, air and noise pollution). The platform enables transport planners to initiate bottom-up planning and design of new transport interventions. The process starts with the identification of the problem using participatory sensing (carrying out measurements with the citizens), co-design of the solutions, co-evaluation using the multi-actor multi-criteria analysis methodology and then co-implementing the solutions together with the citizens. In this paper, paper we propose participatory tools and methods that can be applied in participatory transport planning in order to identify the problems (participatory sensing), to collect ideas and solutions (online and off-line co-design) and evaluate the solutions (multi-actor multi-criteria analysis).
Originele taal-2English
TitelKözlekedéstudományi Konferencia Győr
SubtitelA jövő kihívásai: Alternatív - Autonóm - Kooperatív - Komparativ Mobilitás
Plaats van productieGyőr
UitgeverijHungarian Scientific Association for Transport
Aantal pagina's7
ISBN van elektronische versie9789638121868
ISBN van geprinte versie9789638121851
StatusPublished - mrt 2019
EvenementConference on Transport Sciences: Challenges of the future: Alternative - Autonomous - Cooperative - Comparative Mobility - Gyor, Hungary
Duur: 21 mrt 201922 mrt 2019


ConferenceConference on Transport Sciences


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