Grade 1-6 Gap Analysis and Remediation Strategy. Additional Remediation Report for Mathematics and Language.

Onderzoeksoutput: Commissioned reportResearch


In the framework of the BEIP-II Phase 2 Consultancy for Curriculum Development, an additional analysis was carried out in the second half of the project on the quality of the developed teaching materials in grades 1-5 for the subject areas of Arithmetic and Language. The examined teaching materials for Arithmetic and Language were developed and implemented during BEIP-I and have therefore been in use for a number of years in educational practice in all districts of Suriname. The end-users (teachers and pupils) have been working with this material for several school years and have as such already gained extensive experience with it. In an earlier phase within this Consultancy, a report was already submitted on how the users experience the user value of the learning materials belonging to the different learning areas in and across the 10 districts. The present report is part of the Work Package 'Curriculum Review, Gap Analysis & Remediation Strategy', Deliverable 2.1 Grade 1-6 Gap Analysis, Policy Recommendations and Remediation Strategy. A cooperation between Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the CLU Learning Resources Advisory Centre of Utrecht University was set up. Through this collaboration, the Learning Resources Quality Measurement Instrument (MILK) was used, a standardized diagnostic tool for reliable and valid analysis of learning materials. This report consists of the in-depth analysis of the teaching and learning methods used in grades 1-5 of primary education in Suriname.
Originele taal-2English
UitgeverijBasic Education Improvement Programme
Opdrachtgevend orgaanMinistry of Education, Science and Culture
Aantal pagina's131
StatusPublished - 2020


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