Handbook and Guidance Material for the Implementation of the QualiTePE Framework and Instrument

Alina Lemling, Angelo Crapa, Wiebke Langer, Erin Gerlach, Wouter Cools, Manolis Adamakis, Menno Slingerland, Lars Borghouts, Claude Scheuer, João G Costa, Wesley O'Brien, Christian Herrmann

Onderzoeksoutput: Other contribution


In an era of constant innovation and change, striving for quality and excellence has become crucial. The QualiTePE framework addresses this need, offering a comprehensive approach to improving quality in teaching Physical Education (PE). This handbook is a practical guide for implementing the QualiTePE framework and instrument, helping to enhance daily teaching practices. It simplifies the complexities of delivering quality Physical Education, providing practical insights, step-by-step guidance, and support to empower individuals, teams, and organizations in achieving excellence in PE.
Originele taal-2English
Mijlpalentype toekennenHandbook
Aantal pagina's33
StatusPublished - 17 sep 2024

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