How do providers conceptualize personal and social development of disadvantaged youth within three Belgian

Pieter Debognies

Onderzoeksoutput: Unpublished abstract


While sport in general, and community sport in particular, have been perceived as a potential rich context for personal and social development (e.g. Haudenhuyse, Theeboom & Nols, 2013), there is little insight into the underlying mechanisms that allow developmental benefits to occur (Coalter, 2011). In addition, it has been stated that one of the reasons for this misunderstanding is that different conceptualisations of development are used within sport-for-development initiatives (e.g. Hartmann & Kwauk, 2011). This study thus seeks to impart some conceptual clarity on personal and social development of disadvantaged youth within community sport initiatives. Three community sport initiatives with similar target group and objectives, but different organizational structure, size and history, were selected. By trying to understand sport-based interventions, Weiss (1997) suggests to start with reconstructing the underlying assumptions of such interventions. To clarify the personal and social developmental concepts within community sport, data were gathered through fieldwork and in-depth interviews with program providers (n= 8), coaches (n= 11) and youth leaders (n= 3). From this multiple case study, we learned that the concepts used by community sport initiatives are very diverse. However, despite the differences, we have identified a number of commonalities related to the context in which development takes place - including coaching climate (e.g. individual attention), and opportunities to take up responsibility.
Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's1
StatusAccepted/In press - 23 dec 2016
EvenementISSA's World Congres of the Sociology of Sport: Reimagining Democracies and Sport - National Taiwan Sport University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, Province of China
Duur: 30 mei 20172 jun 2017


ConferenceISSA's World Congres of the Sociology of Sport
Verkorte titelISSA2017
Land/RegioTaiwan, Province of China
Internet adres

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