
Social movements such as "Black Life Matters" called for an urgent need to break with the modernity/coloniality violences and decolonise development aid practices. In response, the Belgian development cooperation sought alternative pathways for a decolonial future. This study supported these efforts by mapping the multiple understandings, perceptions and visions of the different actors involved in the Belgian Development Cooperation. Around 200 people participated in the research through participatory workshops and interviews. Participants included decision-makers, practitioners and academics from across the globe connected to the Belgium development cooperation sector. The research mapped participant responses, identifying multiple understandings and perspectives and the possible pathways to imagine alternative future(s) for Belgian Development cooperation. Additionally, the report offers a social cartography that could be used as a pedagogical tool to go beyond the mainstream development cooperation narratives.
Originele taal-2English
Mijlpalentype toekennenPolicy Supporting Research Report
Aantal pagina's58
StatusUnpublished - 7 jul 2022


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