Impact of manual Lymphatic drainage on hemodynamic parameters in patients with hear failure and lower limb edema

Olivier Leduc, Vincent Crasset, Claire Leleu, Thyl Snoeck, Frederic Pastouret, Albert Leduc

Onderzoeksoutput: Articlepeer review


Impact of manual Lymphatic drainage on hemodynamic parameters in patients with hear failure and lower limb edema, Lymphology, ISBN-ISSN: 0024-7766, 2011, Olivier Leduc, Marion Sichere, Alice Moreau, Jessie Rigolet, Arnaud Tinlot, Sophie Darc, Fabienne Wilputte, Jonathan Strapart, Thierry Parijs, Anne Clément, Thyl Snoeck, Frédéric Pastouret, Albert Leduc, Volume: 44, Issue: 1, pp: 13-20, Impact factor: 1,023, impact year 2011
Originele taal-2English
Pagina's (van-tot)13-20
Aantal pagina's8
StatusPublished - 2011


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