Incremental profitability evaluation of V2G-enabled aFRR services for semi-public EVSE infrastructure: a case study in Belgium.

Onderzoeksoutput: Unpublished paper

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The current paper defines a framework for the introduction of automated frequency restoration reserve (aFRR) services enabled by vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology into the business model of an entity owning and operating a network of semi-public EVSE (Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment). It assesses the profitability of this introduction by performing a case-study based on the real-life EV charging data from the EVSE network located in a hospital parking. From the results of the study, it is clearly visible that the introduction of V2G-enabled aFRR services has a significant positive incremental profitability, heavily dependent, however, on the plug-in ratio of EVSE network, determined by the EV user behavior.
Originele taal-2English
StatusUnpublished - 11 jun 2023
Evenement36th International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition (EVS36) - Convention Centre, Sacramento, United States
Duur: 11 jun 202314 jun 2023


Conference36th International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition (EVS36)
Land/RegioUnited States
Internet adres


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