Indoor cycling - lactate kinetics concerning the anaerobic treshold and differences in physiological parameters between subjectively and heart rate controlled lessons.

T. Van Der Laan, R. Clijsen, R. Pfister, M. Wuthrich, J Cabri, Jan Taeymans, William Duquet

Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paper


Originele taal-2English
TitelProceedings of the 13th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Portugal
RedacteurenJ. Cabri, F. Alves, D. Araujo, J. Barreiros, J. Diniz, A. Veloso
UitgeverijFaculdade de Motricidade Humana, Univesidade Tecnica de Lisboa, Lisboa
Aantal pagina's1
ISBN van geprinte versie978-972-735-156-5
StatusPublished - 2008
EvenementUnknown - Stockholm, Sweden
Duur: 21 sep 200925 sep 2009

Publicatie series

NaamProceedings of the 13th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science



Bibliografische nota

J. Cabri, F. Alves, D. Araujo, J. Barreiros, J. Diniz, A. Veloso


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