Integrated experimental and modeling approach for the study of gas-evolving electrochemical reactions

Heidi Van Parys

Onderzoeksoutput: PhD Thesis


Many industrial processes deal with gas producing reactions. In terms of reactor design, process optimization and energy costs, it is crucial to have a thorough description of the influence of gas bubbles on the overall reactor behavior. In this work, a methodology and the tools needed for such an approach are supplied. This is done through a combined experimental and modeling approach. As a case study, the hydrogen reduction reaction and the zinc deposition reaction with simultaneous hydrogen gas evolution are selected. The gas-evolving electrochemical reactions are experimentally investigated and the gas bubble characteristics are determined through optical imaging techniques. Additionally, a mathematical model is developed that allows for the mathematical description of the flow field, gas bubble tracking and (electro)chemistry of two-phase electrochemical reactos. Finally, the validity of the determined two-phase model is assessed by comparing the computed results of the developed two-phase model to experiments. Promising results are obtained.
Originele taal-2English
Toekennende instantie
  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  • Deconinck, Johan, Co-Promotor
  • Hubin, Annick, Promotor
Plaats van publicatieBrussels
StatusPublished - 2010


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