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This book includes essays that directly uncover how power asymmetries and related forms of marginalization and oppression function in the political and policy arenas with a special emphasis on the intersection of several systems of subordination.
The edited volume tackles two main questions: first, what are the main claims, struggles, and possibilities of contemporary intersectional feminisms; and second, how shall we, as scholars, address intersectional (feminist) activisms in our research – theoretically, methodologically, and empirically. These issues are debated from several intersectional (feminist) perspectives, locations, and positionalities. The globally oriented and empirically grounded scope of this volume is undeniable. The book goes beyond the Western hegemony in intersectionality-related research and knowledge production, bringing in practices, experiences, and critical perspectives of intersectional (feminist) scholars and activists who are not necessarily located in the most privileged social, political, and financial milieus.
This book will be of interest to students and scholars from across the social sciences and humanities with an interest in gender, feminism, racism, LGBT+ and queer studies, and social movement studies. The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of Journal of Women, Politics, and Policy.
The edited volume tackles two main questions: first, what are the main claims, struggles, and possibilities of contemporary intersectional feminisms; and second, how shall we, as scholars, address intersectional (feminist) activisms in our research – theoretically, methodologically, and empirically. These issues are debated from several intersectional (feminist) perspectives, locations, and positionalities. The globally oriented and empirically grounded scope of this volume is undeniable. The book goes beyond the Western hegemony in intersectionality-related research and knowledge production, bringing in practices, experiences, and critical perspectives of intersectional (feminist) scholars and activists who are not necessarily located in the most privileged social, political, and financial milieus.
This book will be of interest to students and scholars from across the social sciences and humanities with an interest in gender, feminism, racism, LGBT+ and queer studies, and social movement studies. The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of Journal of Women, Politics, and Policy.
Originele taal-2 | English |
Uitgeverij | Routlegde |
Aantal pagina's | 168 |
ISBN van elektronische versie | 9781003471547 |
ISBN van geprinte versie | 9781032749242, 9781032749259 |
Status | Published - aug 2024 |
Duik in de onderzoeksthema's van 'Intersectional (Feminist) Activisms: Global Practices and Experiences'. Samen vormen ze een unieke vingerafdruk.Projecten
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