Introduction: ‘They all hear ‘ping’ at the same time'

Georgios Terzis, Dariusz Kloza, Elżbieta Kużelewska, Daniel Trottier

Onderzoeksoutput: ChapterResearch

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This book is motivated, to a large extent, by some recent troubling developments in public discourse, namely the developments in information and disinformation practices. From the beginning of history, various and diverse means or channels of communication have been used to inform, misinform (unintentionally) and disinform (deliberately). However, in recent decades, the emergence and development of new information and communications technologies (ICT), combined with the ever-increasing digitalisation and globalisation of almost every aspect of modern life, among others, have opened up new and uncharted avenues to that end. This book therefore focuses on disinformation practices occurring with the help of digital media as these practices bring to the fore profound negative ramifications for the functioning of a democratic polity.
Originele taal-2English
TitelDisinformation and Digital Media as a Challenge for Democracy
RedacteurenGeorgios Terzis, Dariusz Kloza, Elżbieta Kużelewska, Daniel Trottier, Ioulia Konstantinou
Plaats van productieCambridge - Antwerp – Chicago
Aantal pagina's23
ISBN van geprinte versie9781780689753
StatusPublished - 19 jun 2020

Publicatie series

NaamEuropean Integration and Democracy


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