Janus on the Brane

Michael Gutperle, Christoph F. Uhlemann

Onderzoeksoutput: Voordrukpeer review

9 Citaten (Scopus)
3 Downloads (Pure)


We present a non-supersymmetric deformation of probe branes describing conformal defects of codimension two in AdS/CFT. The worldvolume of the probe branes is deformed from AdS p× S 1 embedded in an AdS p+2× ℳ D − p − 2 background to an embedding of Janus form, which uses an AdS p−1 slicing of AdS p and in which the brane bends along the slicing coordinate. In field theory terms this realizes conformal interfaces on codimension- two defects. We discuss these “Janus on the brane” solutions for AdS 3× S 1 D3-branes in the AdS 5× S 5 solution of Type IIB, realizing interfaces on surface defects in N = 4 SYM, and show that similar solutions exist for probe branes in AdS p+2× S 9−p vacua of M-theory and in the AdS 6× S 4 solution of massive Type IIA.

Originele taal-2English
StatusPublished - 1 jul 2020

Publicatie series

NaamJournal of High Energy Physics
UitgeverijSpringer Verlag
ISSN van geprinte versie1126-6708

Bibliografische nota

Publisher Copyright:
© 2020, The Author(s).


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