Kierkegaards begrip van de vertwijfeling als intensivering van het bewustzijn

Onderzoeksoutput: Articlepeer review


In the paper above, I argue that the concept of despair throughout The Sickness unto Death is undeniably linked with successive intensifications of consciousness. Both in the antropological part of the book (The sickness unto death is despair) and in the theological part (Despair is sin), the intensity of consciousness is interpreted as the measure of despair. Although Kierkegaard, by way of his pseudonym Anti-Climacus, is not always mentioning that perspective of consciousness as such, in every stage or description of despair it is present in some form.
Originele taal-2Dutch
Pagina's (van-tot)434-460
Aantal pagina's26
TijdschriftTijdschrift voor Filosofie
Nummer van het tijdschrift1997
StatusPublished - 1 sep 1997


  • Vertwijfeling
  • Kierkegaard
  • ethiek
  • Ziekte tot de dood

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