Language dominance in bilingual first language acquisition compared to L2 learners

Jessica Schillaci, Esli Struys

Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paperResearch


This fMRI study aims to compare simultaneous- and sequential Dutch-French
bilinguals with respect to their dominant language. Although simultaneous
bilinguals have acquired two languages from birth, it is assumed that one of both is
more dominant. Three language tasks (a verbal fluency task, a grammatical
judgement task and a semantic categorization task) are utilized to indicate the
differences between both groups, as well as within each group (i.e. Dutch versus
French). Significant differences in favor of the dominant language hypothesis were
found for Dutch versus French in simultaneous bilinguals for GJT-Dutch (p =
0.042), SCT-accuracy (p = 0.012) and reaction times (p = 0.004).
Originele taal-2English
TitelProceedings of the 5th ISEL conference ExLing 2012
RedacteurenAntonis Botinis
UitgeverijISEL Editions
Aantal pagina's4
StatusPublished - 2012
EvenementUnknown - Paris, France
Duur: 25 mei 201127 mei 2011



Bibliografische nota

Botinis, Antonis


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