Manpower planning using simulation and heuristic optimization

Oussama Mazari Abdessameud, Johan Van Kerckhoven, Filip Van Utterbeeck, Marie-Anne Guerry

Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paper

1 Citaat (Scopus)
1567 Downloads (Pure)


This article presents the use of a Generic Manpower Simulation Engine (GMSE) coupled with a heuristic optimization algorithm to tackle manpower planning problems. Manpower planning aims to meet the organization's demand for human resources. The GMSE is an entity based simulator that mimics the evolution of the manpower according to a set of policies. We propose
a heuristic optimization algorithm to find the optimal policies that result in a limited deviation from the organization's target. We applied our approach to the case study of a military organization.
Originele taal-2English
Titel17th International Industrial Simulation Conference 2019, ISC 2019
RedacteurenJorge Sequeira Gonçalves Paulo, Manuel Ferreira Calado João
Aantal pagina's6
ISBN van elektronische versie9789492859075
StatusPublished - 2019
Evenement2019 Industrial Simulation Conference - Lissabon, Portugal
Duur: 5 jun 20197 jun 2019

Publicatie series

Naam17th International Industrial Simulation Conference 2019, ISC 2019


Conference2019 Industrial Simulation Conference
Internet adres


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