Manual Therapy in the Aging and the Aged: a Focus on Skeletal Muscle

Onderzoeksoutput: Meeting abstract (Book)Research


During ageing significant alterations occur in the skeletal muscle. A well known phenomenon is the age-related muscle atrophy and strength loss, defined as sarcopenia . The process starts at the age of 30-40 years and progresses insidiously at an avarage rate of 1% loss of strength per year . Above the age of 70 years the loss rate increases up to more than 3% per year. Due to sarcopenia, activities of daily living in elderly persons necessitate efforts close to the maximal strength and loss of independency can occur. The total cost of health care directly induced by sarcopenia in the United States of America for the year 2000 reached 18.5 billion dollar. It is to be expected that, given the worldwide ageing population, these costs will further increase.

A parrallel change to sarcopenia is the loss of flexibility. Although less systematically documented, cross-sectional studies demonstrate an age-related reduction in range of motion at different locations. These losses of mobility occur also in the absence of joint pathology (such as osteoarthritis) and seem to be related to stiffening of the soft tissues (muscles, tendons, joint capsules). Based on the underlying mechanisms, a close relationship seems to exist between sarcopenia and soft-tissue stiffness in ageing.

Briefly, ageing is accompanied by muscle atrophy as well as by thickening and stiffening of connective tissues within the muscle-tendon complex. These morphologic changes lead to significant muscle weakness and loss of mobility at higher ages. On the other hand, due to inflammatory processes, the quality of ageing connective tissues decreases, leading to tissue weakness and augmenting their vulnerability for injury. Finally, age-related alterations in neuromuscular control are a supplementary source of muscle weakness and stiffness.

In this lecture, different mechanisms contributing to age-related muscle weakness will be discussed as well as the therapeutical targets for rehabilitation.
Originele taal-2English
TitelProceedings of the 9th Scientific Conference of the International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapists, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
StatusPublished - 13 jun 2008
EvenementUnknown - Stockholm, Sweden
Duur: 21 sep 200925 sep 2009




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