Military manpower planning using a career path approach applied to the Belgian defense.

Oussama Mazari Abdessameud, Filip Van Utterbeeck, Marie-Anne Guerry

Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paper

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In order to accomplish the missions of the organization, mili-
tary manpower planning aims to provide the required workforce with the
adequate competences and ranks. The military organization specicity
is the hierarchical structure which restricts personnel movements and
recruitments. Military manpower planning involves two logics: statutory
logic and competence logic. We combine both logics into one integrated
model, which allows the simultaneous optimization of the two logics. We
model the military manpower using a career path approach where each
soldier is assigned to one of the possible career paths. The model was
applied to the Belgian military manpower. The model helps the human
resources managers study the impact of dierent policies on the statu-
tory and the competence levels. Furthermore, the model contributes to
planning the future policies regarding job transfers and annual recruit-
Originele taal-2English
TitelOperations Research Proceedings 2018
RedacteurenBernard Fortz, Martine Labbé
ISBN van geprinte versie978-3-030-18499-5
StatusPublished - 2019
EvenementInternational Conference on Operations Research - , Belgium
Duur: 12 sep 201814 jun 2019


ConferenceInternational Conference on Operations Research


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