MIMIC Deliverable 1.1: Scenarios of construction logistics

Anna Fredriksson, Cecilie Flyen, Selamawit Mamo Fufa, Christoffer Venås, Kajsa Hulthén, Nicolas Brusselaers, Koen Maurits Mommens, Cathy Macharis

Onderzoeksoutput: Commissioned reportResearch

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Construction logistics scenarios is an illusive term, that need to be defined to be useful. This deliverable defines construction logistics scenarios as part of both the construction process planning and the construction logistics planning. It is defined on three hierarchical levels; strategic, tactical and operational and these three levels are related to the project phases of the construction project.
• On the strategic level, in the strategic planning phases of the project, we need to identify the scope and goals of logistics in a construction project. The scope is related to geographical boundaries and the goal to the stakeholders involved.
• On the tactical level, in the planning phase of the project, we identify several scenarios of construction logistics. These scenarios are to include contextual and logistics considerations.
• On the operational level, in the implementation phase of the project, we identify and implement a specific construction logistics setup.
Originele taal-2English
Opdrachtgevend orgaanEuropean Commission
Aantal pagina's26
StatusPublished - 26 okt 2020


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