‘Moving out?’: Mobile television and social change

Katrien Dreessen, An Jacobs, Bram Lievens, Jos Pierson

Onderzoeksoutput: ChapterResearchpeer review

Originele taal-2English
TitelRich Ling, Per E. Pederson & Scott Campbell (eds.) The Mobile Communication Research Annual: Volume I, The Reconstruction of Space & Time through Mobile Communication Practices. Transaction Publisher, New Jersey. (Submitted)
UitgeverijRich Ling, Per E. Pederson & Scott Campbell (eds.) The Mobile Communication Research Annual: Volume I, The Reconstruction of Space & Time through Mobile Communication Practices. Transaction Publisher, New Jersey. (Submitted)
StatusPublished - 1970

Bibliografische nota

Rich Ling, Per E. Pederson & Scott Campbell (eds.) The Mobile Communication Research Annual: Volume I, The Reconstruction of Space & Time through Mobile Communication Practices. Transaction Publisher, New Jersey. (Submitted)

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