Non-destructive In-situ Characterization of Microcapsules and Self-healing Coatings using Confocal Raman Spectroscopy

Alexander Lutz, Iris De Graeve, Herman Terryn

Onderzoeksoutput: Meeting abstract (Book)


At least since the paper of White et al.1 the integration of microcapsules into coatings for corrosion protection is a topic of high interest in the corrosion community2. Various groups have performed research on different kind of capsules or containers for different types of coatings. Self-healing coatings with extrinsic polymer repair mechanisms as well as corrosion inhibition mechanisms have been developed.
Most containers up to now have been characterized ex-situ in SEM and TEM when they were not in the coating or by taking cross-sections. However, the sample preparation for such analysis has disadvantages: Samples need to be broken in liquid nitrogen and are analyzed under high vacuum conditions, capsules fall out of the coating, etc. Moreover, capsules with a liquid content like monomers cannot be put into vacuum chambers for obvious reasons. Two other interesting points are the determination of the location of capsules in a coating as well as the question whether the capsule content actually survives the coating procedure.
Therefore a technique is necessary which can differentiate between different molecules. This needs to be done at a spatial resolution in the micrometer – preferably down to the nanometer – range. Just as well it needs to be able to record the information in depth and especially without altering the sample. Besides, it would be advantageous if the sample size would be without narrow constraints.
Confocal Raman Spectroscopy fulfills these requisites by recording Raman shift spectra of a point location where the laser is focused on in ambient environment. Filled microcapsules in a coating could be distinguished from empty ones and their location (x, y and z) in the coating could be identified by using Confocal Raman Spectroscopy. To the authors’ knowledge there is no other straightforward technique to obtain these results at this scale.
These and further results will be presented in order to show and to discuss with the corrosion community and especially the coating community the advances which can be made with this technique.

(1) White, S. R.; Sottos, N. R.; Geubelle, P. H.; Moore, J. S.; Kessler, M. R.; Sriram, S. R.; Brown, E. N.; Viswanathan, S. Nature 2001, 409, 794–7.
(2) Binder, W. Self Healing Polymers; Binder, W., Ed.; 2013.
Originele taal-2English
TitelProceedings of EUROCORR 2014
StatusPublished - sep 2014
EvenementEUROCORR 2014 - Pisa, Italy
Duur: 8 sep 201412 sep 2014


!!ConcertEUROCORR 2014


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