Gas-evolving electrodes, which are systems in which gas bubbles are produced by a heterogeneous
reaction, represents a special case of multiphase flow. Their intrinsic difficulty
arises from the multidisciplinary and multi-scale nature of the phenomena involved. Not
only a dispersed phase, i.e. the bubbles, is generated at the electrode by means of an electrochemical
reaction, but also mass transfer at the electrode is modified by the evolution of the
bubbles themselves (e.g. mass transfer enhancement induced by micro/macro convection).
Additionally in many industrial applications, the electrolyte is moving with respect to the
electrode, which again affects the flux of material reacting (kinetic control versus transport
control). It is the aim of this thesis to gain more physical insight on the modelling of mass
transfer at gas-evolving electrodes, by combined theoretical and experimental approaches.
The assessment of the two-phase flow properties is essential to understand the complex
phenomena occurring during multi-phase electrochemical reactions: hence, chapter 2 is
devoted to a theoretical discussion of the transport phenomena taking place at gas evolving
electrodes. The transport problem is first described and the role of bubble evolution is
emphasised. The mechanisms involved in bubble nucleation, growth and detachment are
then examined and the bubble-electrolyte interaction is discussed. This approach allows to
en-light the importance of the different forces acting on moving bubbles; especially it is
concluded that bubbles in high vortical flow are accelerating more, causing an increase in
the mixture velocity gradient, with important consequences on heat and mass transfer.
A new model is proposed to describe the effect of bubble evolution on mass transfer,
by solving the unsteady diffusion-advection equation, with a constant vertical velocity.
According to the solution proposed, the current transient becomes steeper as the velocity is
more negative (from the bulk toward the electrode), which means that the concentration
variation occurs faster as fresh solution is brought to the electrode, i.e. the mass transfer
rate is enhanced.
The techniques for measuring bubble size are reviewed in chapter 3. It is found that
backlighting is the most suited to investigate gas evolution in industrial applications. In
order to overcome the backlighting weak point, i.e. that out-focus bubbles are also measured,
causing a large measurement error, the image formation is analysed and a model is proposed
for the bubble shadow. By implementing this model, a new powerful software, named
FROG, Focused- Recognition- Overlapping- Globule, is developed, which allows the
discrimination between in and out of focus objects, leading to the possibility of assessing
x Summary
void fraction. An "erosion" module is also implemented, which allows the discrimination
of overlapping bubbles: the void fraction limit of backlighting technique is in this was
increased of four times with respect to the standard software capability.
The experimental results are presented and analysed in x4.2, for bubble evolution in
A.C. graining, in x4.3, for a turbulent bubbly channel flow and in x4.4, for a rotating
bubble plume. A uniquely strong correlation is measured during A.C. graining between the
anodic potential peaks evolution and bubble size, which resulted fundamental in clarifying
the mechanisms involved in bubble evolution. The bubble break-off diameter is found
Originele taal-2 | English |
Toekennende instantie |
Begeleider(s)/adviseur |
Plaats van publicatie | Brussels |
Status | Published - 2010 |