Norms and usage in 19th-century Southern Dutch

Onderzoeksoutput: Chapterpeer review


This chapter discusses norms and usage in 19th-century Southern Dutch. After a brief sociohistorical sketch, we provide an overview of the Southern normative tradition, discussing its roots in the 18th century and its further development in the early 19th century. Next, we introduce three case studies: the spelling of /a:/ in closed syllables, the spelling of t-suffixed present indicative endings in d-stem verbs, and the representation of lengthened Wgm. ? before a consonant cluster with -r. For each of these features, we investigate the way they are dealt with in normative publications, as well as exploring their frequency in a manuscript corpus. Finally, we discuss two possible scenarios concerning a link between norms and usage, applying both scenarios to the features under discussion.
Originele taal-2English
TitelNorms and usage in language history, 1600-1900
SubtitelA historical-sociolinguistic and comparative perspective
RedacteurenGijsbert Rutten, Rik Vosters, Wim Vandenbussche
Plaats van productieAmsterdam/Philadelphia
UitgeverijJohn Benjamins Publishing Company
Aantal pagina's28
ISBN van geprinte versie978-90-272-0082-2
StatusPublished - 2014

Publicatie series

NaamAdvances in Historical Sociolinguistics
UitgeverijJohn Benjamins
ISSN van geprinte versie2214-1057

Bibliografische nota

Marijke J. van der Wal & Terttu Nevalainen


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